
Trainee Strategic Communicator Level (TSC)11/11/2020

03 months basic theory & practical’s. Mainly focused on getting comfortable with the uncomfortable. Understanding the basics.

 One hour per week sessions for 02 months & thereafter one-hour session fortnightly for 01 month (Face to face or online depending on your location)

 Overcoming social fear and the big bad 03 (Rejection, failure & embarrassment)

 Understanding the science of fear and averages of success

 Basics of verbal communications

 Basics of Body language (Learn the power greeting)

 Introduction to public speaking

 Build 2X mind set (financially, mentally, physically)

 Practical sessions with daily journaling

 Review of performance and success averages

 KPI’s/challenges –Set of compulsory social challenges will be set and one on one discussion will be done after completion. (Join Toastmasters / 02 short public speeches / 30 times rejection challenge / make 02 new friends / Talk to 07 strangers / Power greet 150 / make a YouTube video)